You must remember this: Sultan Mohammed V protected the Jews of Casablanca
This article just appeared in the Los Angeles Times. It seemed quite timely, since I had just been in Los Angeles for the Book Festival this past weekend, and in one part of Love, Bill (pages 276-285) I discuss this very same aspect of Jewish-Moroccan history. The article discusses the vital role that the young Sultan Mohammed V played in the protection of the Jews of Morocco against Nazi antisemitism. When being pressured to assist in the persecution of his own Jewish citizens, he bravely and publicly declined to cooperate. “There are no Jews in Morocco,” he declared. “There are only Moroccan subjects.”
What is even more amazing, is that Dad took photographs of Mohammed V while he was stationed in Morocco!

King Mohammed V (left), Morocco, 1943 Photo by Bill Krulick

King Mohammed V (center), Morocco, 1943 Photo by Bill Krulick